
/startStart the bot, send the welcome message
/scanScan a token, alternatively paste the token address in the chat
/insightGet insights about the token
/helpGet help about the bot
/aiscanLet AI summarize the scan of a token address
/twitterCheck twitter username history, aliases: /x
/bundleShows the bundles of a token, aliases: /b
/smSniper Map, shows the first 70 buys of a token with PnL%
/tvTrending Volume, shows top 12 trending token based on volume
/ttTrending Trades, shows top 12 trending token based on trades
/last <number>shows the last scanned tokens, max 100. default 25
/settingsConfigure your personal settings, pick a trading platform, show/hide tips, etc.
/feedbackSend feedback or suggestions to the development team
/commandsShows the available commands